
Generate a URL to redirect the user to the JoyID App sign message page. This function cound be useful when you do not need to initiate sign request immediately.


function generateSignURL (
  request: SignMessageRequest,
  type: 'popup' | 'redirect'
): string

interface SignMessageRequest {
   * The URL of your app that JoyID app should redirect to after authentication
  redirectURL: string
   * name of your app
  name?: string
   * logo of your app
  logo?: string
   * The challenge that was requested to be signed
  challenge: string


async function mySignWithRedirect() {
  const request = {
    redirectURL: '',
    title: 'Example App',
    logo: '',
    challenge: 'Sign this message',
  const url = generateSignURL(request, 'redirect')
  // do something with the url
  // etc. await myFunction(url)
  // custom redirect
  window.location.href = url
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